Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
A psychological condition derived from the experiences of veterans recovering from the war. Previously known as Shell Shock.
Non-veterans, who have experienced post traumatic stress especially from past abuses might have been diagnosed with other forms of conditions. This DSM V diagnosis can apply to children as young as 6 years old who have PTSD symptoms.
Trauma is a complex psychological injury.
According to the DSM 5, accompanying symptoms often include flashbacks, hypervigilance, sleep disturbances, extreme psychological distress, panic attacks, and dissociation.
Will my past traumatic experiences stay with me for the rest of my life?
How can I maintain the progress I have made in my healing?
Can I ever trust again?
Is everyone exposed to trauma susceptible to PTSD?
6-8% of the generic population expose to trauma develop PTSD. Women are reported to be twice more likely than men to experience PTSD when expose to traumatic events.
Recently published meta research analysis found significant differences in the hippocampi and amygdalae of PTSD survivors in MRI scans. The hippocampal volume is compromised up to 15 percent.
Could flashbacks and triggers thus, become hard to manage as the impacted ventromedial prefrontal cortex means one has more difficulty differentiating reality when the amygdala is hijacked?
Prolonged blocking of unprocessed trauma in PTSD survivors can result in lifelong disability.
It is not uncommon that many will mask their post-traumatic stress symptoms with psychoactive substances. This seems a normal way of coping to numb and manage the autonomic over-activation of the stress response. However, overtime an individual may be left with health, social and occupational consequences linked to abuse and dependence. While the research has also showed how alcohol can both compound and confound PTSD and delay obtaining vital treatment and support.
Understanding the duration of PTSD and history of the person allows more appropriate treatment that may include medical co-management if clinical symptoms are persistent and debilitating.
Noteworthy psychotherapeutic treatments such as EMDR have over 20 years of evidence-based studies. While TRE and somatic experiencing are also slowly gaining recognition recently.
Trauma can be released, transformed, and managed. Neuroplasticity means that you can reverse the influence of trauma and rebuild yourself overtime.
It takes courage and trust. It is very difficult to treat trauma. Undergoing therapeutic treatments with a trustworthy well-trained therapist will alleviate your struggle with trauma and increase your well-being in the long run.
Choose to live well, no matter what your past was like.
Yes, recovery is possible.
Thome J., Terpou B.A., McKinnon M.C., Lanius R.A. The neural correlates of trauma-related autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis. Depression and Anxiety, Volume 37, 2020
Lambert HK, McLaughlin KA. Impaired hippocampus-dependent associative learning as a mechanism underlying PTSD: A meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2019;107:729-749. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.09.024
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