Small Steps
One month into the new year 2022, thoughts and questions have often surfaced internally for me.
What would I do different this year?
What do I want to focus more on this year?
The pandemic has brought uncertainties and could likely remain so for the first half of the 2022.
First, giving yourself a pat on the shoulder for surviving through the constant change and physical separations.
(Image source: Anonymous)
Which ladder would be easier to climb?
This illustration shows that taking smaller actions is easier and effective in moving towards our goals and intentions.
“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t” Joshua Becker
Minimizing and organizing your belongings is a great way to start the year.
The lunar new year has just begun on 1 February 2022.
Every culture has their new year on a different date as opposed to the Roman calendar. As an Asian Chinese, I like the tradition of spring cleaning.
Space Clearing
Clutter is a mirror. The space we create around us reflects our inner state.
There are probably things that you want to let go of but are hesitating. I struggled to declutter – clothes (I love feeling textiles and fashion), books and papers (Hmm ain’t knowledge valuable?). There is a traditional way of recycling to make patchwork blankets (which I see my mother has created and various older relatives too. I often wonder when I would ever be able to create my first personal recycled art blanket one day!)
Nowadays giving away clothes has become a more regular practice.
Mari Kondo has inspired the decluttering and minimizing wave in USA. To let go of unnecessary belongings signify releasing certain attachments and feelings. Some items might have sentimental value or come from a place of lack “what if I need to use this in future?”.
Items been in storage and left unused for a year, mean that you have hardly any need for them. Unused gifts and spares could be given a new lease of life by giving it away, donating to a charity, or selling them in online used stores like ebay, carousell, craigslist, facebook marketplace etc.
Old blankets, towels and beddings and mattress could be donated to animal shelters as well.
Wouldn’t it be great to have more space, and less time spent on storing, cleaning, dusting boxes and containers?
Clinical evidence for space clearing reveals that clutters in our living space increase our cortisol stress levels. Clutter has a physiological impact on our bodies. A clutter home is a stressful home. Messy homes are correlated to higher mood swings.
Space Clearing = Space Renewal + Mood Rejuvenation!
On your next spring cleaning, consider:
What could I keep and use right away? What could I re-purpose? What could I give away, sell, or exchange? Who would be happier with this unused item?
(Image Source by Ferenc Keresi)
Small Steps Matter. Destinations too.
Which wall is the ladder leaning on? What views do you want to see when you climb up this ladder?
Traditionally ‘climbing up the ladder’ refers to career development. Advancement in your career such a promotion, more active income, passive income, feeling fulfilled in your chosen vocation.
‘Climbing up the ladder’ offers us the same approach we can take towards just about any development that matters to us.
Emotional Resilience
Satisfaction Quotient
Intimacy Depth
The simple little actions we take daily, weekly, routinely would get one closer. The little ways in which we take care of ourselves are powerful in establishing a pattern of self-love.
Change is smalls steps away over a duration.
Happy Lunar New Year to All.
Saxbe DE, Repetti R. No Place Like Home: Home Tours Correlate With Daily Patterns of Mood and Cortisol. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2010;36(1):71-81. doi:10.1177/0146167209352864