It’s that Time of the Year !

“Now, Nikolas was a happy boy. Well, actually, no. He would have told you he was happy, if you asked him, and he certainly tried to be happy, but sometimes being happy is quite tricky. I suppose what I am saying is that Nikolas was a boy who believed in happiness, the...

The Ultimate Polarization – Political Left versus Right

All that civility might matter more than the results of one election.   Overwhelmed? Gutted? Watching what you listen, read, write, or say constantly? When would the proxy wars end? Would inflation go down? Following the latest USA election news and recent...

World Mental Health Day – Tenth October

  Visualize the color of Monday – what color would that be? If it’s grey, this quick article might be useful in re-evaluating how your workplace or work is impacting your mental health. Workplace factors like stress, burnout, discrimination, and...

Quick Review – Ketamine for Treatment

The tragic overdose of well-known actor Matthew Perry on October 28, 2023, brought attention to the risks associated with ketamine, particularly for those with addiction histories. Perry, who struggled with substance abuse, got treated excessively by doctors with...

Telehealth : Is remote EMDR therapy effective ?

“I am glad to be able to do this online with you, while I overcome the fear of going outdoors.” A recent client commented on that as we began working on his anxiety that has debilitated him for the last few years. Telehealth has gained substantial traction,...