Telehealth : Is remote EMDR therapy effective ?

“I am glad to be able to do this online with you, while I overcome the fear of going outdoors.” A recent client commented on that as we began working on his anxiety that has debilitated him for the last few years. Telehealth has gained substantial traction,...

What is Going On?

39 degrees. Parched fields. And have you been feeling uneasy and uncertain about what’s next? Given the current high-profile proxy wars occurring in Palestine, Gaza, and Ukraine, I have been feeling a sense of social despair at the widespread dehumanization of weaker...


Diets and Nutrition: Why Quality and Consistency Counts? Food and cuisines, our alimentation, are often joys, sensory pleasures, cultural rituals, and representations, and even anchors …like a form of tradition. Food festivities and menus may often be linked to...

Pro-Justice and Pro-Compassion

Apart from the OJ Simpson murder trial, which got the highest coverage in US history during 1990s, the legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, telecast live for the past 6 weeks, has grabbed worldwide attention, flooding all forms of media. Reality youtubers...

Forest Bathing, A Nature Prescription!

It is happening. Finally, nature is formally being prescribed as a treatment for mental health. British Colombia has started giving Nature Parks passes to patients during their medical reviews with doctors since February 2022. This is a new collaboration between a...